Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5.30pm, Saturday 8.30am - 12.00pm, Sunday / Public Holidays Closed
(08) 8382 3900

Dr Lim talks about weight, a very important issue for our health and general wellbeing.

Weight is a high risk factor that can be linked to strokes, heart problems, diabetes, hips, knees and chronic back problems. There is a vague relationship between weight and breast, bowel and prostate cancers.

Many people go on special or fad diets to reduce their weight. The very basis of weight is how much one consumes – both food and drinks, against how much physical activity is done.
Common foods such as rice, potato, pasta and bread have high carbohydrate content. Also the fats in meat, skin of chicken, most dairy products and chocolates have an effect on weight gain. ALL should be eaten in moderation.

Drinks too, can be a source of high calorie intake. Soft drinks, cordials and fruit juice contain exceptionally high levels of sugar. Wine too, sweet wine has more calories than dry wines.
Physical activity is vital in maintaining a healthy weight. Walking to the local park or shops, exercising at home or joining a gym class is a good start to a healthier you. Just 30 minutes a day!
(Of course any physical activity is guided by age general health and relevant medical conditions.)

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