Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5.30pm, Saturday 8.30am - 12.00pm, Sunday / Public Holidays Closed
(08) 8382 3900

Are you at risk of having a fracture?

Osteoporosis Clinic: 13th – 24th of November

At Reynella Medical Centre we strive to provide our patients with the best possible healthcare.  This includes prevention, detection and early intervention for a variety of conditions.

Osteoporosis is a disease that affects over 1 million Australians.  It occurs when bones lose minerals, thickness and strength.  Sufferers are at an increased risk of fractures from even minor trauma.  The symptoms and signs are not always visible so you can have osteoporosis without even realising it until a fracture occurs.  Fortunately osteoporosis can be prevented and treated in a number of ways.

To enable early detection we will have a mobile bone density unit at Reynella Medical Centre in November.  Our patients aged 70 and over or patients that have already been diagnosed with osteoporosis can have a bone densitometry scan to identify their osteoporosis risk.


The scan is similar to an x-ray, is quick, non-invasive and provided FREE of charge.  Based on the results we will advise you if you need a follow-up appointment with your Doctor.

Limited appointments will be available between MONDAY 13TH NOVEMBER & FRIDAY 24TH NOVEMBER.

If you would like to identify your osteoporosis risk please phone the surgery  to make an appointment with your Doctor for a referral.  Once you have your referral one of the receptionists will book you in for your bone densitometry.

We hope your will take advantage of this great opportunity and look forward to seeing you soon.

* If you have had a bone density scan in the last 12 months you are unable to participate.

The Healthcare Team

Reynella Medical Centre



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